Calgary Photography Blog

Client Work, Session Tips, Favourite Products and Studio Updates

Professional Portrait Photographer in SW Calgary, Alberta

Welcome! This is my creative space where you can get to know me better, have a look into some of my favourite client portrait photography sessions, view any personal projects I might be working on and be the first to hear about any upcoming studio events and promotions! There are also a variety of posts to help families when planning and preparing for their upcoming photo shoot, posts including what to wear guides, tips on when to book in for your portrait session and even how to include your family pets into your photography session. Take a look around and do leave me a comment on those posts that you find most interesting and would like to see more of!

Studio Updates Jillian Faulkner Studio Updates Jillian Faulkner

Best of Alberta Photography Exhibit

The PPOC Best of Alberta Photography Exhibit showcases a curated collection of images by Alberta’s top professional photographers with the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC). Visitors will experience a dynamic range of themes and styles, from breathtaking landscapes to intimate portraits, each captured with a level of craftsmanship and creativity that exemplifies the best in contemporary Canadian photography.

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Studio Updates Jillian Faulkner Studio Updates Jillian Faulkner

Calgary Photography Studio Covid-19 Update

Outdoor and studio sessions will continue to have strict protocols in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all session attendees. At this time, studio sessions will only be booked for newborns, individual portrait sessions or for families with four or less family members.

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